Mission Group #1 : Whispering Pines Nursing Home.
Mission Date: 2nd & 4th Sunday, 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m..
Mission Location: Whispering Pines Nursing Home, Country Club Drive, Fayetteville, N.C.
Mission Service: Provide a Worship Service for the residents of the nursing home and provide a worship opportunity for family members and the staff who were unable to go to a Worship Service at their church.
Mission Group #2: Prison Ministry.
Mission Leader: Deacon Josiah Blue
Mission day/location: Morrison Correction Facility, Hoffman, NC. ( 2nd Sunday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m).
Mission Service: Carry the Word of God to those who are incarcerated. Ministers and evangelists preach a message of redemption and salvation for the Saved, Unsaved and the Non-Believer toward the goal of evangelizing and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Support and guidance is giving to those who have chosen to walk with Jesus
Mission Group #3: Carillon Nursing Home.
Mission Leader: Deacon Harry Boone
Mission Date: 4th Sunday, 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Mission Service: Provide a Worship Service for the residents of the nursing home and provide a worship opportunity for family members and the staff who were unable to go to a Worship Service at their church.
Mission Group #4: World Missions
Mission Leader: Deacon Larry Smith
Mission day/location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Mission Service: Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world by identifying evangelism opportunities in other countries, and extending a helping hand to meet the needs of all God’s children living there. Those needs include, medical care, education, and financial support to local Christian outreach in those countries.
Mission Group #5: Children’s Home Ministry.
Mission Leader: Deacon Willie Smith
Mission day/location: Central Children’s Oxford, NC
Mission Service: Lead Worship Service for children housed in this long-term residence home. Present the Gospel in such a way that youth can see the influence of God in their lives and in their situations. Provide an environment where, through consistent words, deeds, and loving attention, young people can grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
Mission Group #6: Clothing Give Away, Van Ministry & Care Clinic.
Mission Leader: Deacon Charles Smith
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Ministry Service: Meet the basic needs of both members and non-members of MOMBC Provide a venue for receiving clothing donations, then organizing the distribution of clothing to community members through semi-annual mass giveaways at the church, and continuous availability of clothing through the clothes closet. Provide meals for the staff of the Care Clinic. Provide transportation for both Senior and other members who need transportation to church service at Mount Olive, church sanctioned community events, and other worship services for which Mount Olive are invited guests.
Mission Group #7: Sick and Shut-in.
Mission Leader: Deacon Linda Compton
Mission day/location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church (Daily, as needed)
Ministry Service: Minister to the to the spiritual and physical needs of members who are home or hospital bound. This Mission’s visitation includes prayer, singing songs, reading scriptures of comfort, encouraging and expressing love to all who are sick and shut in. Special visits are made to senior members who are sick and shut-in.
Mission Group #8: Helps.
Ministry Leader: Deacon Clara Brown
Mission Service: The Ministry of Helps is a supernatural ministry set in a church by God to help bring to pass the vision or goal God gave the pastor. The ministry gives assistance to the week and needy.
Mission Group #9: Food Closet, Senior Member Food Baskets, Clothing Boutique.
Ministry Leader: Deacon Cortez Colbert
Mission day/location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church(Meeting day is 3rd Saturday/monthly, 10:00 a.m., 5009 Patton Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303.)
Ministry Service: The Mount Olive Food Closet offers free groceries to needy individuals and families based-on household size. The Food Basket ministry works to ensure that senior members have groceries brought to them during holidays seasons. The Clothing Boutique makes professional outfits available to those who need clothing for job interviews, work apparel, or church services.
Mission Group #10: Bereavement Ministry.
Ministry Leader: TBD
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Ministry Service: Serve those who have experienced the loss of a love one in the family. Bereavement Ministry offers families compassion and support through the grieving process, and provides advice and direction as needed when making funeral arrangements or dealing with family issues related to the passing of the family member.
Mission Group #11: Seniors Ministry.
Ministry Leader: Deacon Wendell Stephenson
Mission day/location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Ministry Service: This ministry provides programming to meet the unique needs of Senior members, such as afternoon Bible Study, senior themed picnics, and banquets in their honor. Additional assistance, such as free car oil-changes, gift cards to department stores, and light home repair are provided.
Mission Group #12: Military Support.
Ministry Leader: Deacon Fred Norman
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Mission Service: Meeting the needs of active duty soldiers and their families during deployment. Soldiers are sent gift baskets during the Christmas season, while cards, letters, and other tokens of affection and support are sent throughout the year. Requests for assistance by the family members of the solders are address as needed.
Health Ministry
Ministry Leader: TBD
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Ministry Service: Building the Body of Christ through education, prevention and empowerment. Support the overall church body by offering our services to other ministries.
Young Adult Ministry
Mission Leader: TBD
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Ministry Service: Meet the unique needs of members ages 18-35 as they transition from being a youth to a mature member, with a focus on Kingdom building. Assist the young adults in finding the ministry that best fits their spiritual gifts and ministry goals. Provide outlets for talents and artistic expressions that reflect their age and interests. Serve the overall church body by offering their services to other ministries.
Youth Missions
Mission Leader: TBD
Mission location: Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church
Mission Service: Assist parents in providing Mount Olive children with a spiritual foundation for their Christian walk. To ensure age appropriate presentation of scripture and the Christian lifestyle, separate church services for both children and teens are held every second and fourth Sunday. Children are the focal point of service in the main sanctuary on third Sundays, where they also minister to the adults through singing and ushering. The youth are taken to amusement parks, plays, concerts, and other activities with youth from other churches throughout the year. The youth also participate in plays, and other activities that assist in their understanding of Christianity and general historical events.